“me” time

24 11 2009

I’m a very social, extroverted person.  But I like to be alone. 

I need “me” time every once and a while to be alone and just be. To pamper myself.   To spend time with Jesus. To pray. To watch Grey’s Anatomy or whatever girly movie just came to Redbox (that seems very opposite ends of the spectrum…well i’m random like that).

I haven’t gotten to the point of putting cucumbers on my eyes, but maybe one of these days.

I looooooooooooooove spending time with my hubby more than anything in the world, but I also need my me time. He’s been playing basketball with some friends on Tuesday nights for the last year, which has opened the door for a night at home alone.  I almost always beg hubby to not go, and I still miss him a ton when he’s gone.  But I still love my time. 

I’m getting even more thankful for this time as I prepare for my Baby Girl to come in a few short months.  “Me” time will happen very rarely.

What do you do for your “me time”? Especially if you’re a busy mom, how do you make time for just YOU?

what are you craving?

29 10 2009

Pregnancy is…. interesting. I made it through the phase of hardly being able to eat anything and have now entered the phase of wanting to eat EVERYTHING.

Yesterday I was craving one of those GIANT Baked Potatoes smothered in Chopped BBQ Beef.

baked potato
My favorite is from Jason’s Deli, but the closest Jason’s to us was at least 2 hours away. So my amazing husband did all he could to find me one, and he succeeded.  He’s got this pregnancy stuff down. What a good man I have!!

Some may think it looks gross…but I think it’s a little slice of heaven. And Baby Girl thought so too! YUM.

Pregnancy sure brings on some interesting cravings, and they don’t ever seem to go away until you satisfy them. So I’ve been doing my best to satisfy 🙂

Another major one of mine is chocolate milk. However, I’m lactose intolerant. Awesome. I drink Lactaid Milk, and I swear I am responsible for keeping them in business. You’re welcome, Lactaid.

If you’ve been pregnant or your significant other has, what have been some crazy cravings you or she has had?


4th of July!

6 07 2009

Next to Christmas & my birthday…which is in 2 days… The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays! I love summer, relaxing and watching fireworks!! We had a great time hanging out with the Norman’s and their kiddos on Friday.  We cooked them up some James famous burgers! I think they were fans. 🙂

Since we live in downtown Huntington Beach, main street was closed off all morning on Saturday for the parade.  Well…we slept through the parade but got up in time to enjoy a little time at the beach.  About 8:30 we headed down to the beach again (which is only 3 blocks from our house) and it was NUTS! The line for Starbucks was halfway down the street so we decided that wasn’t exactly a good plan.  Off to the beach.  We spread out our towels, listened to the waves crash next to us while waiting for the show to start.  WOW some of the best fireworks EVER. 

We ended the weekend with one of the greatest movies ever. 

It was a great weekend with the hubby.  For sure one we will never forget!

How was YOUR 4th of July?
